Byron Union School District will provide all students with an exemplary education, striving for excellence.
To view Current Board Agendas and Minutes please visit
Celebrating Alicia Woodson, Byron Union School District Teacher of the Year! Congratulations
On Friday, July 10th, the Board of Trustees voted to implement a Full Distance Learning Model for the 2023/2021 school year. Additionally, the start date of school has been move out to
View the July 10th reopening Power Point HERE
July 13, 2023
BUSD Staff and Families,
Thank you for your continued patience and support as we navigate this health crisis and the planning for the 2023-21 school year. We know this is a very stressful and uncertain time for our families and staff. Please know that we are committed to providing essential services to our Byron USD community. At the July 10, 2023 Board Meeting, the Board gave staff direction to move forward with planning for the 2023-21 school year using a full distance learning model. The board also took action to move the start of the school year to August 10, 2023.
As we continue to plan for the 2023-2021 school year, our district will be following state guidelines that includes language regarding instructional minutes and days. There is also flexibility with instructional minutes, however, flexibility with days for the school year was not. By adjusting our start date, we will need to change our instructional calendar. Our district team will be working on the calendar this week and we will have a recommendation ready for our next board meeting on August 6, 2023. Once we have a tentative calendar, we will do our best to communicate it, but please note that our board will need to review and approve it before it is finalized.
I thank you for the partnership and support.
Reyes Gauna, Ed.D.
Janitor to superintendent Dr. Reyes Gauna view the interview with CBS below
The Byron Institute for Independent Study will not be enrolling any new students during the Distance Learning implementation. When students return to campus, either in a hybrid-instructional model, or with full student return, the Byron Institute for Independent Study will be open for enrollment for any students and families that are interested.
To place your child’s name on our interest list, please complete the survey using the link below. Please complete the survey once per child.
Board and Superintendent Retreat 2023
First Interim Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2023 Executive Summary
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Parents Input form
LCAP Annual Update
Youtube LCAP
Youtube LCAP
LCAP Goals 2023-2023
Entry Plan 2023-2023
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Discovery Bay (PDF)
Timber Point (PDF)
Vista Oaks Charter
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Byron Partners In Education
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